GROUNDWIRE follows, without linearity, the adulthood journey of Momento, connecting the experience of success and failure in real life and daydreaming trough technology, spirituality and phisicality. Ongoing comic. Date format: day/month/year.
Notice: the following story is displayed in descending order of publishing, and it might contain sensible subjects. Not recommended for readers below 16 years old. Use the scroll bar to see the whole collection and if required open the images in another tab for full resolution.
1. Digital drawings in MSPaint.
2. Colours, formatting and editing in Adobe Photoshop CS5.1. 29/07/2024
1. Digital illustration in MSPaint.
2. Grayscale, arrangement and image editing in Adobe Photoshop CS5.1. 09/07/2024
03.talking to the beast
1. Digital illustration in MSPaint.
2. Grayscale, layout and editing in Adobe Photoshop CS5.1. 09/02/2024
02.naiveness overlord
1. Illustrations in MSPaint.
2. Formatting, colours and editing in Adobe Photoshop CS5.1. 29/09/2021
1. Illustrations in MSPaint.
2. Layout, colours and editing in Adobe Photoshop CS5.1. 21/12/2020
1. Digital illustrations in MSPaint.
2. Image manipulation, formatting and colouring in Adobe Photoshop CS5.1. 09/12/2020
Rampant stream of thought between feelings, silly phenomenons and deep happenings shallowed through tired eyes, 4x4x4x is an anthology of anything! It flows beyond our comprehensions (the author's included) using mixed media and compact spaces to tell short surrealistic stories in - so far! - one-shots. Ongoing comic. Date format: day/month/year.
Notice: the following comics were written in the Portuguese language. Because of that, a freely translation will be available below the image. The chapters are displayed in descending order of release. The comics may contain sensible material, so be aware! Not recommended for readers below 16 years old. Use the scroll bar to see the whole collection and if required open the images in another tab for full definition.
4x4x4x5 automódico
1. Digital painting in MSPaint.
2. Image editing and layout in Adobe Photoshop CS5.1. 09/07/2022
Rough translation:
4x4x4x5 automobitch
This car is crazy. This is a problematic vehicle. It flies and drink gas. It stops next to the motorbikes wanting little kisses. It's just a little kiss. That leads to bikes going off the rails, falling of cliffs.
This car is crazy... Or is it loving? Is the romance over? Or has it jump started to be revived?
4x4x4x4 pessoa concreta
1. Illustrating, editing and formatting in Adobe Photoshop CS5.1. 20/05/2022
Rough translation:
4x4x4x4 factual person
I mentally said to her that I was confused.
- You make me confused.
And she answered:
- You are confusing.
I'm not. Well, I hope not. I know quite throughly about who I am. People make me confused.
- You make me confused.
4x4x4x3 frutos tropicais em saldão
1. Illustrations, editing and formatting in Adobe Photoshop CS5.1. 04/08/2020
Rough Translation:
4x4x4x3 clearance of tropical fruits
I'll become a mango. I'll roll out of my home. Someone will catch me and think: is it ripe? No. It won't. As soon as eaten they'll discover it's green and tasteless.
It didn't worth the mess it made, but it's still a mango and the experience will only be finished in the belly.
4x4x4x2 o mistério em leis não ditas
1. Layout and illustrations in Adobe Photoshop CS5.1. 27/07/2020
Rough Translation:
4x4x4x2 the riddle of non-verbal laws
They jumped to the conclusion that if a door slammed in the house some life would be vanished from this world, and because of that their home become a big machinery constructed to prevent any door to blast into their fixtures independent of the climate outside.
"But what if you die if another door outside slams?" Sure. They knew about that and it wasn't a problem nor important. It was important that they didn't kill anyone unintentionally[!] Through the clashing of the doors.
4x4x4x1 lixo molhado cria vida
1. Digital drawings in MSPaint.
2. Editing and layout in Adobe Photoshop CS5.1. 21/07/2020
Rough translation:
4x4x4x1 life in moist garbage
See, I've put a body in the car. It may be a tree, a dead chicken. Every kind of body that will be taken to somewhere far away to be buried.
It may be you in the trunk, a dozen eggs, an old trashbag forgotten in the laundry room, that has created new life capable of learning the ABCs... And will be buried only for the time to be found. Or maybe for a cop halfway there.
Big Adventures of Bandage Blondie
Between poetic, dreamy and crunchy, Big Adventures of Bandage Blondie is a series of short comics following the unnamed blondie character that goes around the world carrying bandages on his frail body. From war? From crying too much? We will never know. Until then, enjoy the lovely stories of this magnetic creature! Ongoing comic. Displayed in top-down publishing order. Date format: day/month/year.
Notice: the English translations (of the series As Aventuras do Loirinho do Esparadrapo) may differ from the original scripts and drawings! If you're curious, check the portuguese version: here.
These may have sensible content. Not recommended to readers below 16 years old. Use the scroll bar to see the whole collection and if required open the images in another tab for full definition.
Gluttonous Knives
1. Illustrations in MSPaint 11.2203.2.0.
2. Formatted in Adobe Photoshop CS5.1. 17/12/2024
A thousand knives allied against me for getting behind with payment. How should I pay if I can't eat bread anymore? My diet now revolves around cashews and grains, raw as they came to this world. I mean, not really... Baked and peeled is better. No one wants to carry a bloody baby right out of the womb dragging the umbilical cord in the belly. If only, it's the mother, the doula, the nurse... Everybody else wants a baby clean and scented like a violet. Well. I tried my best to explain and I think they understood, even not liking it. Next time they show up I will have apples. Hope they're nice and crisp so it's enough to pay my bill. Or else... Cut in slices will be me.
Laced with kindness a blooming camellia
1. Illustrated in MSPaint 11.2203.2.0.
2. Colouring and editing in Adobe Photoshop CS5.1. 25/11/2024
Be my carrier pigeon and send this sorrowful letter with all my weakness to the little charming chevalier with untamed tenderness that rides a sorrel horse and carries in his wounded heart love like under-proofed bread. Knead, devour and share it. You for the crumbs and him for the feast. The pigeon and the prince. The pigeon and the prince… To fulfill the wish of this faint inked fountain pen that wrote on this letter its sincere apologies.
oh my!
1. Digital drawings in MSPaint.
2. Colouring, editing and layout in Adobe Photoshop CS5.1. 21/04/2023
One-shots or small series of comics selected by year of release. Often written in Portuguese, it will accompany freely translation to the English language. Displayed in descending order. Date format: day/month/year.
Notice: these may have sensible content. Not recommended to readers below 16 years old. Use the scroll bar to see the whole collection and if required open the images in another tab for full definition.
Love Letter II
1. Drawings and editing in MSPaint 11.2203.2.0 and Adobe Photoshop CS5.1.
2. Second iteration of the short story Love Letter, with the first part published in Julia Caus' Para Não Esquecer. Copies available at Caus' Instagram.) 19/09/2024
Rough translation:
You didn't have a beard in that dream.
If you have a beard at all. I don't remember you that well, we hadn't met properly.
What I can tell is that... In that dream you were mad with me.
It's probably how I imagine you. Angry and mean like a bad dog.
So I snapped back.
No one is going to breach my will.
Though in sincerity I miss you. Miss you because I don't know you well and I wish I have. Don't also know how that would be.
Until then I wish you anger, sorrow, hunger. So you can point your ears to the horizon and cut the wind like a blade.
Running to destroy me.
1. Digital illustrations and formatting in MSPaint and Photoshop CS5.1.
2. This comic is mainly written in Dingbat-type font (i.e.: Webdings, Wingdings). See transcription and translation below. 22/03/2024
Transcription and rough translation:
this year hasn't been easy to live in.
Not hard either! You know, some things just stun you like a sweaty jiu-jitsu spinal lock.
The brighten outlook of it is that I'm trying, under my rules, to walk towards the unknown. Writing, for instance. To perceive others, their labour and schemes, all positively. Blocking everybody on Twitter, also. Being positive, although, isn't something new to me. I try to be at least fair in my temper – which is strong like furious sea waves. It is what it is. Such small body carries this strong barking. A pinscher.
(Comment: Did he grow? Did my baby grow up?)
My health isn't in its best state either. But apparently it's also in good shape! Those are conflicting infos. Each doctor say something, as if there's an experimental battle (sometimes even non-verbal!) going on this country's medical board. Lots of jokes can be catched in-between the analysis and the mysterious scientific prediction. Even there we can find those non-cautious thoughts. There's mysticism, pragmatism and dramaticity in the way. Without knowing what is my problem (waiting to wrap its name, with only my experiences to disclose it), I've been pushed side to side accepting a daily diet of medicines that surely don't work in philosophical union.
(Comment: Make a print test on Photoshop)
Positively or not, I return to my starting ground: I want company. Do not want to work. Don't want to alien myself from the world either. Everything at the same time. That said, every one of those things follows the same path, because I'm not allergic to the labour. In fact, even these thoughts are work. I bow down the tip of my hat. At some stake this is my mission since I do not have much to offer beyond this and in this state of mind. I want company to reach what lacks to reach the living of the work: a path to follow. And I wait that with a path to follow I can circle back towards the society in which I find myself alienated.
That's it! Hopefully. Thank you for reading, listening or "the best way to do it"-ing this.
Have a lovely and lively day!
1. Digital painting, formatting and editing in MSPaint. 11/06/2023
Rough translation:
I though in sequency. I've thought sequencies. Phrases were formed from the words thought and were visualized in my mind.
I thought sequencies. Verbal and numerical. My mind thought and I thought about my mind.
The snake that bites its own tail. Where it is? What's about its rash for knowledge?
I will bite me my tail, the tail of these words thought by this mind.
1. Illustrations in MSPaint.
2. Formatting in Adobe Photoshop CS5.1. 01/10/2022
Rough translation:
- You have to adjust the screen...
- For what? Who's watching?
- I am, dummie.
ei, você está aqui? Acho que estou com problemas...
1. Drawings and composition in MSPaint. 24/11/2020
Rough translation:
hey, are you there? I feel I'm in trouble...
HEY!!! Are you there?! I think I have some problems... I haven't felt myself for awhile. My paws does not feel the floor either.
The world has become neutral, no warmth or coldness.
In the water I float and floating I am not.
Can you tell me, Doctor?
I think we've missed the train.
The following one only comes to this station days after.
If we go out of here, we will have to pay another ticket. I don't want to jump the turnstile.
I've been badly raised from ground to believe these metal golems.
There's a charm in the cigarettes. They have an ethereal appeal through the controlling of the smoke.
And since I've found one I started to burn myself.
Did you know? The pink skin darkens up in the fire. It becomes a strange tone of gray, like the minuscule puddle of water from a dried river.
If I have to keep burning myself in grey puddles, will they hurt when my paws feel again?
Are you there, Doctor? Tell me if I should wait with some kind of meaningless life...
When the train comes to the station, will I have a home to come back?
1. Layering of drawings made in A5 75g/m² paper with ink pen.
2. Collage of burnt and cut paper with transparent adhesive tape. 19/05/2019
Rough translation:
When I swam in this water, I didn't thought I could drown.
But here I am in love with you.
How sad, how sad.